Hope & Joy
We had our last dinner of the season this Friday. About 55 people attended. We signed a beam that will be built into the Habitat for Humanity house we are helping with and segued into building a good Orthodox foundation in our heads and hearts. Father Philemon talked with the parents and the kids learned the parable of building a house on rock not sand, The night was capped off by building together with Legos to keep our foundation "strong".
Click to see what HOPE and JOY have been up to since September!
We are excited to share that we are starting back our H.O.P.E. (Holy Orthodox Primary Education) (4-7 yrs of age) group this Fall. We will have fun events at church monthly, and some potential side trips planned too. Our group will meet monthly from 5:00 to 6:30 and includes dinner for your family, a fun lesson for the kids and playtime, of course!
Please contact Krista Loucas, our Youth Director, at youthdirector@vagocathedral.org if you are interested in joining us for fun and fellowship. Potential meet days are Fridays from 5:00 p.m.- 6:30 p.m.

H.O.P.E. (Preschool to Grade 2) is in full swing with 85 people assembled to enjoy pasta dinner, fellowship, and learn about the Seed and the Sower parable. The children picked a pumpkin from our "patch" and decorated it to bring home. It was a wonderful night and families got to know each other better while playing an icebreaker game.
JOY is a ministry for children (8-11 yrs of age) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The mission and goal of the JOY ministry is to lead our young people onto experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith. Worship (Liturgia), Fellowship (Koinonia), Service (Diakonia), and Witness (Martyria) are the four principles in succeeding to making JOY a success.
Our group will meet monthly from 6:00 to 7:30 and includes dinner for your family, a fun lesson for the kids and playtime, of course! For information on meetings see our monthly newsletter or calendar under Communications,

J.O.Y. (3rd to 6th grades) had a great start with pasta dinner and ice cream and doughnuts for dessert! They raced through the hallways and rooms trying to be the first team to solve the Escape Room challenge based on the Parables of Christ. They put their faith in action and made cards to send to our homebound parishioners letting them know we miss them and are praying for them.
In November we will combine HOPE and JOY to have Friendsgiving!
For additional information contact our Youth Director, Krista Loucas, at youthdirector@vagocathedral.org.